5 Effects of Vape Addiction are Dangerous as Cigarettes

What Effect of Vape Addiction For Your Health?

What Effect of Vape Addiction For Your Health?

Ozeku Health – Vape or electric cigarettes addiction seem to be very popular among the millennial generation and generation Z. These electric cigarettes are usually known as a safer alternative to smoking. Some smokers switch to using vape because they are tempted by such claims.

In fact, the fact is that it also contains nicotine and other substances contained in vape fluids (e-liquids). Well, these toxic substances can cause problems in the body. So, what are the effects of vape addiction on body health?

“Not a few vape users believe that these products are safer than regular cigarettes. Even though the chemical content in vape is less, this electric cigarette also has the risk of causing a number of diseases in the body.”

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What Effect of Vape Addiction For Your Health?

Vape and Substances

When compared to vape cigarette smoke does have more than 7,000 chemicals, many of which are toxic, and around 70 other chemicals can cause cancer.

However, unfortunately according to the American Heart Association (AHA) both cigarettes and vape have no positive impact on the human body. This is because the e-liquid in vape has substances that are harmful to the body, namely:

  1. Nicotine, an addictive and dangerous substance found in cigarettes and other tobacco products.
  2. Acetaldehyde and formaldehyde which are carcinogenic can cause cancer.
  3. Acrolein, diacetyl and diethylene glycol, chemicals that can cause lung disease.
  4. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the chemical in marijuana (cannabis) that makes the “high”.
  5. Vitamin E acetate, a chemical that can trigger lung injury.
  6. Contains metals such as lead, nickel or cadmium as well.
  7. Small particles (ultrafin) which, if inhaled, can get deep into the lungs.

Back to the question above, what are the effects of vape addiction that we need to be aware of?

Impact of Vape Addiction on the Body

Even though vape contains many harmful chemicals, it seems that there are still many people who underestimate the negative impact of this unhealthy lifestyle.

You should be careful because behind the addictive taste, vape contains various negative effects on the body, including the following:

1. Popcorn Lung

“Popcorn lung” or also called bronchiolitis obliterans (BO), is a rare condition caused by damage to the lungs so that the airways narrow. The substance that causes this disease is diacetyl. Diacetyl is often added to flavored e-liquids to enhance taste.

Inhaling diacetyl causes inflammation and can cause permanent scarring in the smallest branches of the airways, or bronchioles. If there is inflammation in the bronchioles, it will cause difficulty breathing.

Until now there is no treatment that can completely cure Popcorn Lung. So, popcorn lung can be detected from the following symptoms:

  • Cough.
  • A high sound that is heard when breathing.
  • Chest pain.
  • Hard to breathe.

2. Lipoid pneumonia

Lipoid pneumonia is a phenomenon when fatty acids enter the lungs. pneumonia occurs due to inhaling an oily substance contained in vape e-liquid, which triggers an inflammatory response in the lungs. Symptoms of lipoid pneumonia include:

  • Chronic cough.
  • Hard to breathe.
  • Coughing up bloody mucus or coughing up blood.

Well, recently there is a phenomenon of men in the state of Indiana, United States, who experience coughing up blood without stopping. After investigation, the man had pneumonia caused by inhaling vape for too long.

3. Primary spontaneous pneumothorax (collapsed lung)

Primary spontaneous pneumothorax, or collapsed (collapsed) lung, occurs when there is a hole in the lung through which oxygen escapes. Smoking and vaping can increase the risk of lung collapse. Signs of a collapsed lung can be detected as follows:

  • Sharp chest or shoulder pain.
  • Hard to breathe.
  • Hard to breath.

4. Affects behavior and mental health

Vape clearly contains nicotine which is an addictive substance. When someone is addicted to nicotine and tries to quit using it, their body and brain have to get used to not having nicotine.

Well, this is what can have an impact on a person’s mood and behavior. Examples include being irritable, restless, feeling anxious or depressed, having trouble sleeping, having trouble concentrating, and craving nicotine.

Meanwhile for teenagers, if they are already addicted to the nicotine substance in vape, they will tend to feel stressed easily.

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5. Affects the health of teeth and gums

The main negative impact of vaping is causing the risk of developing lung disease. However, apart from that vaping also has an effect on healthy teeth and gums.

According to a study reported in 2018 found that exposure to aerosols on e-cigarettes can make the tooth surface more susceptible to the development of bacteria. Other studies also state that vaping can trigger irritation of the gums, mouth and throat. (Source: Halodoc)

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